
Family, Children, Photography

Smith Family

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a minute to sit down and blog about recent sessions. I know, it’s a super lame excuse, but it is what it is.

Anyway, this past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting with Kayla and Ben and adorable little Liam. I walked up to our location and they were playing with bubble guns! I love when parents take a little extra time before our shoot to do fun things with the kids - it helps set them at ease. We chatted for a bit and then got down to business! Liam initially got a bit nervous and wanted to wander around. I’m 100% on board with this because it helps to do two things: 1. it helps them get to know me, and set them at ease. 2. it gets the wiggles out! Little bodies are meant to move, and it can be hard for kids to sit in one place for too long. I like my sessions to be laid back and fun, so everyone enjoys it (including dad! Ha).

They were just the sweetest parents, Liam was obviously cherished and nurtured by both his parents and it showed in how well behaved he was and how loving he was!

I solemnly swear to continue to update my blog more often - especially since it’s about to be baby season for me! (Not mine, other people’s…haha, I don’t need to start any rumors about myself)

Senior, Photography

Toby || Senior 2019

Well, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted on this blog. It’s been a crazy busy summer and I am so absolutely thankful for my business and all the clients turned friends I have been able to meet! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Anyway! I’m just glad to be sharing this space with you all again!

It’s been a crazy busy fall, I’ve had a lot of senior shoots, but the next few are pretty near to my heart.

Like this dude - I met him in 2015, he was a spire young fella. A little reserved but when you get him to open up, he is hilarious and has THE BEST laugh. It’s absolute insanity that this dude is going to graduate this year.

I absolutely love pouring into teens (it’s my side hustle, yo), and watching them grow and merge into this adult forms of themselves. It’s not a total change from when they were young, but it’s a deepening of their personalities and a blooming of the snippet’s you can occasionally see. This guy is no exception. I’m excited to see what the future holds for him!

Here’s to you, Toby!

Toby Final-12.jpg

Photography, Engagement

Brock + Miranda

It was a chance meeting - meeting with Brock and Miranda, I heard through a mutual friend they were looking for a photograph, and that same afternoon, we met in person and I got to know them. They are truly an amazing couple, and they really, truly love each other. They've been together for a longer time than most people have been married and they have every detail planned for their big deal.

When we met to do their engagement photos, our trusty translator Michelle laughed and said she loved Brock's laugh because she could hear him from across the Bridge! Miranda was so funny, we were trying to get her to get into some PDA and she was having NONE. OF. IT. But she was a great sport and had fun anyway. ;)

At one point in the session I wanted to get a bit more candid and I had them sign to each other, Michelle was next to me translating as I was snapping away, and the way Brock love Miranda is so beautiful, and she loves him equally. It brought tears to my eyes with how beautiful these two souls are.

I am so excited to celebrate their love and capture their moments on the big day!

You guys are awesome!


Wiltse Family

I first talked to Renata a few months ago, when she said she would be in Iowa in late November, I was at first concerned about the weather - because Iowa is unpredictable, we could have ten feet of snow or a beautiful balmy day!

It ended up being the PERFECT day, with PERFECT light, and the most PERFECT family. haha

It was a lot of fun to hang out with you guys and I am so glad I had the pleasure of meeting you! :)

Photography, Children


There is nothing sweeter than a newborn. But when they are tiny-tiny premies, ouphf! Just gets you right in the heart. Everything is EXTRA tiny, and EXTRA sweet. 

I had the privilege of doing Miss Lillyan first newborn photos. She's an absolute doll. I arrived and she was wide-eyed and ready for action! This cutie was moving the entire time, mom and grandma worked hard to keep her content and happy while I took the photos. We only managed a few sleeping photos, and they were worth it!

This little girl is going to grow up in a family of love and MUSIC. My favorite thing to do as a parent is to dream for my kids when they are little - what will they accomplish in life? I dream BIG. The sky is the limit and they are a blank canvas. I've started doing the same thing with my tiny clients - what will happen in their lives? Their awesome parents are working hard to make their lives the best they can, so the sky is the limit - will she be a famous singer? Composer? Musician? 

Limitless. That's what is ahead of them. Limitless opportunities.
